A free component to use on your website which enables you to track which keyword searches result in a phone call.

This JavaScript component enables you to display a different phone number based on what keywords your visitor used to find your website. By combining this script with multiple phone numbers under your switchboard account you can effectively track your keyword to phone call conversions. This product requires that you have a selection of numbers, the more numbers you use the more specific you can be with your keyword call tracking. We provide two separate numbers for free when you open an account, there are also cost effective packages available offering additional numbers.

There is no limit to the number of different keywords you can track. If the majority of traffic to your website is from 15 different keyword searches you can have a different number for each of them to see just how many phone calls you are receiving and which keywords were used to find your website. This is the most accurate and precise keyword tracking available.

Adding this to your website

Add the following code to your web page immediately before the </head> tag
(Note: you will need to replace the phone numbers for your own).

<script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.virtualcallmanager.com/js/keywordTracking.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  addKeywordTracker("online","0843 289 7401");
  addKeywordTracker("virtual","0843 289 7402");
  addKeywordTracker("switchboard","0843 289 7403");
  setDefaultTrackingNumber("0843 289 7404");

And add the following code anywhere on your website where you want the phone number to be displayed.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">displayNumber();</script>

Please note that keywords are evaluated in the order in which you add them, in the above example if someone visited your website after searching for 'virtual switchboard' then the number '0843 289 7402' will be displayed as it is set above the number for keyword 'switchboard'.